Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wow - Followers!

Greetings one and all!
I am very happy to see some real live people already at my blog. That feels great! 

And you are right - you can call me Determined Dude! for sure. Because that is exactly what I am!  I also looked up those blog links you supplied. And those are some awesomely powerful stories. I think Blogland is  a little slow for the Christmas Holiday, but I can tell these guys (and gals) are just picking up steam.

There are some funny posts, and some serious posts. And everything in between. I guess for the pure science of it all, low carb seems to work best for everyone. That makes sense. I ate some pie for Christmas, and it was ok. I didn't even finish it. It was like sympathy pie. I am breaking up with my girlfriend, and we both know it, so it was one of those times where it's easier to just go along with it all, than to cause a scene.

I don't think she really wants me to succeed. I have a good job - in sales. And I make OK money. I will never be rich, but I can at least be happy.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission! I found this on google when I typed in "try again." I thought it fit the bill exactly!

The pie, it gave me a real bad heartburn. Or maybe it was just the tension! Who said holidays are supposed to be all smiles and happy? Not me!

So the low carb idea is really catching on! There are some blogs that are ON FIRE when it comes to pounds off. That gives me hope!

Oh, yeah, and I went for a 30 minute walk today.
I might get a pedometer. Not the cheapo kind, but nothing too over the top expensive, either. That shouldn't be too hard to find this time of year. The New Year's Resolution people are gearing up for their big diets! I shouldn't make fun... I did the exact same thing for the past 7 or 8 New Years!

Thanks for clicking the follow button here, and as soon as possible, I'll pay the favor back! 
Better Days, Dudes!