Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Dark Side of Being a Bully

Man, that was a short trip. Not even once around the block! 

Look guys, I'm no wussie, but - I don't have the emotional coins left over at the end of the day to deal with the hassle of reading and living the drama. Blog land has become "Bogged Down Land"! Has it really come to this? Yes, it has.

That is why I'm leaving my girlfriend. I still love her with all my heart. But she can't seem to get rid of her one bad habit of judging every one she sees. And not just a scoff and an occasional eye-roll. But an all-out attack. She is full of hate and even rage. She tends to go ballistic at times, and nothing will convince her to stop. And she's miserable inside.

And that is why I am leaving the blogs, as well.  Any brainless wonder can come in here, attacking people, when they could (and should) be focusing on losing some weight. Where I come from, we call that "talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time."

I am trying, and doing the work that needs to be done in my life. And blogging seems - make that seemed - like a great place of community. People so far have been very encouraging. Even delightful. And I want to thank you all for your trust and faith in me. But this inane back-stabbing gossip, I just don't have time for. Sheesh, dumb-ass! Get a life! Isn't there enough to do in NYC to keep you from calling out the girlies? Especially the ones that have already done what 'you' only talk about doing.

Who is following whom - whatever! Who is dropping who - who cares! Focus more on your own weight loss and not so much pushing your weight around on the playground.

Did the quintessential dumb ass guy who writes all this crap about other bloggers - doesn't he know that behind each little avatar button, there is a real person with real feelings? I'm sure he does - and he seems to delight in tearing up and tearing down, when we "should" all be building each other up and encouraging each other. Is this what happens when you lose weigh? You turn into a dumb ass? Cus I tell you now, that won't happen to me, when (not if, but when) I shape up, and ship out.

Does this savage loud mouth boasting moron even give a shit if some nurse in Texas  eats bread every day? Or potatoes? Because at the end of the day, that's really all that low carbohydrate diets are. Much less sugar, and much less starch. It's not a fad, and it does work and works every time, as long as you are on the diet. Even in the short week or so I've been on it, it has changed the shape of my body.

People thrive on controversy, I guess. And drama. And making a big deal out of nothing. I am the guy here on the couch. I WAS that guy, I mean. I see how cruel people can be toward fat people. My girlfriend is also close to 300 pounds, so it's not from prejudice or judging fatties that I speak. And I myself am morbidly obese. I just don't want to be that guy any more.

I just want to climb out of the mirk and the mire.... not get back into it. And Yes, you can quote me on that. Hey look, I can rant, too! Sorry about that. And thank you all for reading.


  1. Oh honey dont go, you just got here!!! I know exactly from whence you speak; it happens once in a while. Kind of like a food fight in jr. high--I usually duck under the table and hang out till its over with! You can make good friends here, real friends who will encourage you when you need it, and give you advice OR just let you know that we are all human--even you, even me no matter what our goals or battles are in life. Dont go!

  2. Hope you decide to stay. But you're right, it's all about weight loss, not cruelty.

  3. Just checking in as I like to do from time to time -
    Hope all is well with you and yours!
