Friday, December 24, 2010

Hello World

Hello - My name is Fatty and I am At It Again!

Hello, Fatty

Seriously, though, I am just a guy who is overweight - in a big way.

I read every day about bloggers who use this space to keep track of the eats.
So I thought Sure - why not!?

I am 5'10" and weigh about 250 - I say actually closer to 280!  You know, I never step on the scale. And even then I think it's lying!

So I am going to try a miserable low fat diet again, this year.  Cutting back here and there, and walking a little after work.

Any ideas? Please send them my way!
I take a pretty casual approach to life. But deep inside I want this so bad! I cannot fail again!

I am pretty shy about posing in front of a camera, but I am trying to be brave and show a picture of myself without my head attached..... maybe one day, huh?  Brave and not ashamed.

So thanks for reading my blog - Wow - did I really just say that!?
I can't say I will write every day. My work schedule is crazy - with school and all.
I just say this-- THIS time I will try, try try again!

Because I am tired of being the guy who is "Fatty Fatty 2 x 4! Can't get through the bath room door!"


  1. Well, you could always try Low Carb -
    it works for many many people.
    Maybe not for everyone, but there is a wealth of info...
    Just to spare you from the "miserable" low fat diet you described.
    And yes, I agree! That would be miserable!

    Good luck - and nice to meet you!

  2. I know how you feel! I'm gearing up to start my own diet plan. Starting with the Cabbage soup diet. It's a diet lasting only 7 days, kind of like a detox if you will! It's supposed to jump start a diet plan. I'm doing it to "jump start" healthier eating in 2011. I know the routine of starting a diet, stopping, and starting again. But THIS time will be THE time I actually follow it!
    I'd be interested to know how you do in your journey. It's nice to have people that have the same goals!

  3. Nope, nada, nyet! Ain't gonna call you fatty. I've been insulted due to weight too many times in my life. Not gonna do it to you! Until you choose your own cool name, I'll just call you Determined Dude! DD for short if you like. ;-)

    Okay, DD, now that we have THAT settled... Hi! And welcome to blogland.

    Dittos to what Anne said. I've lost about 123 lbs so far. I do low carb. Not a fanatic... I keep it simple. Started out just not eating sugar and flour. Anything made with those.

    And working on the mental part. WHY I was overeating. Facing my stuff, instead of stuffing my face. That sort of thing.

    Here's a guy who has lost a hunk of weight low carb:

    When I first started, I downloaded his free podcasts, and listened while doing other stuff. Learned all kinds of approaches, and hammered out one that worked for me personally.

    I'd suggest one thing: make a deal with yourself this time: no matter what, you will not quit. NO MATTER WHAT.

    This is for YOU, not us. Post as often as works for you. Say what works for you. Focus on what YOU need.

    You want it? "The only thing standing between you and victory is YOU."

    That's a quote from Chris, who is almost at her goal weight. She really kicks butt! In all areas... exercise, attitude, determination.

    I highly recommend her here:

    And Sean Anderson has reached his goal, going from 505 to 230 pounds, here:

    What you think about is critical to your success. I would suggest you go back in their archives each day and read at least one post. Hey, in case you are stuck for what to blog about, you could always talk about what you learned from that past post! :-)

    My best to you on your journey. Stand tall and treat yourself with respect... by doing this you have earned it!

    Merry Christmas, Determined Dude!


  4. hiya, followed you over from carb tripper's blog (hiiii annnee!!!) and second--no third--the low carb suggestion. Its just another option. I spent a long time on weight watchers and after falling off the wagon (we ALL are capable of that!) for a long while began looking for other options. For me, its the best way. And it works!
    Anyway, not trying to sound like an infomercial for low carb!! welcome, glad to see you try try again. Thats what matters anyway. happy holidays!

  5. Dude - I can't get the followers button to click!
    But I did try. Might be my machine.
    Happy Holidays, and let us know how it goes!

  6. Yeah, way to try again...because once we stop trying, we stop living. Let's do it together 2011.
